SlapShot USA, LLC

Profesional Tactical Systems

Professional Service missions include breaching, assault, drone killing, covering fire, and close quarter combat.


Multi-mission Ammunition


Using a PHD250-78 round fired from approximately 30 feet impacting the hinge side without passing through the door. The hole in the steal is caused by pulverized debris passing through the impact area.

Using the SS4K at approximately 30 feet away from door. The round disabled the bolt mechanism with one shot. A followup shot impacting the handle caused the door to swing open slightly.

Breaching From Cover

Our goal is to produce small arms munitions that can be used successfully in several mission profiles without compromising performance for any mission. SlapShot’s ammunition developer has done many mechanical breaches over 3 decades of law enforcement. SlapShot Ammunition’s line of 12 gauge ammunition is well suited for urban close quarters combat, covering fire, assaults in structures, IED disruption, energized circuit disruption, and breaching.

If the breacher has a magazine with SlapShot’s HMVA (High-velocity Mass Violence Ammunition), the breacher can disable the lock/latch/hinge of the door, and enter the structure with the team still having superior ammunition that is designed to prevent over penetration which can cause unintended impacts. The breacher can use the same ammunition to provide effective covering fire while having precise accuracy to isolate a friendly from a hostile.

SlapShot ammunition enables a breacher to do a contact breach or shoot from cover like the gun port of an armored vehicle. These pictured impacts were done at approximately 30 feet with a Savage 212 with a scope. The slugs were also tested to see if they would blast through this steal residential door. The pressure from the slug impact causes a pressure blow out with pulverized material but the projectile does not pass through, causing unintentional projectile impact.

Ammunition efficiency is a critical factor we track and maintain in all of our slug projectile ammunition. The three load configurations used in our recent breaching tests are:

  1. SS4K-78 = 3” Roll crimped, 78 grain, .73 Caliber, 50 yard recommended effective range, 99.5% Efficient

  2. PHD250-72 = 2-3/4 roll crimped, .73 caliber, 72, 3000+ FPS, 97.9% Efficient

  3. PHD250-78 - 2-3/4 roll crimped, .73 caliber, 78 grain, 3000+ FPS, 97.9% Efficient


Sgt Major Daniel Burs Combat Engineer/Breacher USMC


Retired Sgt Major Burs contacted us to discuss our ammunition and ordered several types to be tested by his team. Mr. Burs does product and innovation research. He and his team develop techniques and do discovery, taking what is learned to Combat Development.


Mass Violence Ammunition


When chaos becomes deadly combat, excising a deadly threat who has unlimited access to victims requires ammunition capable of immediate non-reflexive incapacitation without over penetrating and striking an innocent person.


Demonstrating kinetic isolation of a hostile from a innocent.

Demonstrating projectile impact without over penetration.


Ground to Air